20 random things about myself.... finally!!
Hey its been a long time since I’ve posted just about anything but its time I started becoming regular… once a week at least!!
Sorry anchal , shubs… here goes your tag>>>
So well… am supposed to tell you 20 random things about myself….
1) Now I think you’ve already guessed the first one… yehh I start off with the negatives… its better to give a ‘good last impression’…. Now I can always try… So the foremost thing, which I would like to talk about, and which I would like to overcome too… is my IRRESPONSIBILITY!!! I’m one of the most irresponsible people in this world… the reason?? Well… I don’t have either the time… or even if I do and I really wanna do a thing…. I forget about it at ‘the moment’… and there I am … fed up of my stupidity!!
2) The second thing- I am hopelessly lost! This is what my friends tell me. I am told that I am lost in my own world…what exactly that world is…. I myself have no clue. But yeah… I am generally thinking of another place and another moment at a certain place, at a certain moment. So if you catch me unresponsive to your cries of calling… blame it on the unavoidable temptations of that illusory world! Though yeah… I can share a few of those wild dreams of mine which include business enterprises of all sorts… which benefit someone or the other in a certain way at least. Who and how, depends on what I’m enthusiastic about in that particular period (I was high on patriotism at a certain point of time… desperately wanted to contribute to the country’s GDP and help the poor people… & was so on airplanes at another)
3) I love chocolates. Yes that is bad. One puts on weight. And all that is just because of the momentary pleasure one seeks… nah- not fair. I think Hindu philosophy was quite right- ye sansar sab moh maya hai… hey theres one positive aspect to it though… I prefer dark chocs to milk ones… that means lesser sugar, see?
4) I am hopelessly slow. Akshay sehgal had to wait for half an hour extra… just watching me gulp bites of my sandwhich at subway… poor chap. Anyways… my slowness is more of a hindrance for me than for others. (I generally eat quickly… seriously)
5) I dislike assignments. Not because I dislike assignments per se, but coz I love researching. I research research and research. And by the time I am over with my research… the deadline for submission goes by. Of course that too has a silver lining to it… I get good results. (My slowness further compounds the situation though.)
6) I love going to the rest room. It’s my second abode. It quite irritates other people. But I think I’d rather not elaborate on this anymore.
7) I love eating out. That is bad coz I spend loads of money on food. But so what?? I need to sustain myself…
8) I find it tough to say no. I do it. But with this squirming sense, which makes the No appear even more rude n nasty, I think…
9) I say a ‘hi’ to almost anyone I meet … or know. That’s bad coz loads of people are quite discriminating with their greetings… and it’s not nice to not be given a reply to… remember that story we had in class 12- a certain someone’s malady (am 4gettin his name)?? I so identified with that guy. I have often said a ‘hi’ to a random passer by too… so you can imagine how acute my malady is…
10) Hey there are 10 more to go… this s unfair! Now I better start off with the salient aspects of my character… am sure u r wondering if there are any… (don’t worry… I’m racking my brains for the same)
11) Hey one more thing. I am scared of Abhinandan- our deb-soc president. The sight of him makes me quite stammer… that’s not good. But that’s not excessively bad either… coz I don’t look at him when I’m debating.
12) I don’t find it easy to praise myself. Hey now that is what is called ‘modesty’… and that is good… finally!! Though that quite puts the rest of the 8 points in jeopardy!
13) Nah don’t worry… here I come with the rest… I have a good voice. That is good coz even if I may not sing the song as well as it is originally sung- I am certainly not abused at when I sing.
14) I am a nice person. I insist upon that… coz that covers most of the moral qualities required of a person.
15) I enjoy walking and being with nature. That has twofold advantages. One- personal. I benefit my health by exercising and getting a breath of fresh air. Two- social service. I am a potential environmental activist.
16) I love learning new things. I love to know about different countries, cultures, technology, scientific phenomenon… just about anything. Its just pure fun.
17) I love visiting new places and seeing new things… a practical translation of what I last said. I wanna go and look at so many things in life and know about just about everything.
18) I love cleaning up things. It happens rarely. But when it does… things are spick n span and one can really ‘see the change’
19) I love helping people out – in any way possible. It quite makes me feel nice.
20) Here goes the last one… I love reading stories. That’s the best perhaps… coz I’m in English hons!!
21) This one was necessary- someday I’d love to write either an anthology of short sories or a couple of novels. It’s just an innate desire … and hopefully they shall be science fiction. I always wanted to pursue science… at least this ways I would remain connected to it… even if loosely.